About Plans
The Plan offers two medical benefit options. The options currently offered to active Employees and to retirees who are not eligible for Medicare are the self-funded Preferred Provider Organization Plan (or “PPO Plan”) operated through Blue Cross and one health maintenance organization (“HMO”): Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. The options currently offered to retirees who are eligible for Medicare are the self-funded Medicare Supplemental Plan and the Kaiser Senior Advantage Plan.
You or your provider may call the Trust Fund Office, United Administrative Services, at (408) 288-4400, to confirm your eligibility status or for information about the benefits payable under the Plan.
Our Plans
We understand the administration of employee plans

Self-funded PPO
One of the options offered to Employees and to Retirees who are not eligible for Medicare

Kaiser HMO
Employees, Pre-Medicare Retirees, and Medicare-eligible Retirees

Medicare Supplemental
Active and Retired Employees and their dependent spouses who are age 65 and over, Permanently Disabled, or who have end-stage renal disease
Our Plan Providers
UA Local 467 Healthcare Plan Providers
Trust Fund Office
United Administrative Services
P.O. Box 5057
San Jose, CA 95150-5057
(408) 288-4400
Dental Benefits
Delta Dental
100 First Street
(800) 765-6003
Kaiser Permanente
Northern California Region
1800 Harrison, 9th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
(800) 464-4000
7800 Dallas Parkway,
Suite 460
(888) 879-7336
Utilization Review
Health Care Evaluation
6702 N. Inglewood Ave., Suite G
Stockton, CA 95207
(800) 333-3018
Blue Cross of California
P.O. Box 60007
Anthem, CA 90060-0007
(866) 791-5538
Vision Benefits
Vision Service Plan
3333 Quality Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(800) 877-7195