About Pension
The Trust Fund sponsors two plans: the Defined Benefit Plan and the Defined Contribution & 401k Plan. The amount of benefits you receive, and your eligibility for certain rights under the Plan, depends on how much Benefit Credit you have accrued.
Our Plans
We understand the administration of employee pension

The Plan is a multi-employer, collectively bargained defined benefit pension plan. The Plan is funded from Employer contributions and earnings on the Plan’s assets.

The I.B.E.W. Local 332 Defined Contribution Plan is an individual account plan. Each covered employee accrues an account based on the number of employer contributions made on his behalf.

Options available under Defined Benefit Part A And Defined Contribution & 401K Part
- Address Change Form
- Beneficiary Designation Form
- California Tax Withholding Form (EDD)
- Electronic Funds Transfer Form
- Federal Tax Withholding Form 2021 (W4P)
- Health & Welfare Withholding Form
- Qualified Domestic Relations Order Sample (Active Member)
- Qualified Domestic Relations Order Sample (Retired Member)